Sunday, December 24, 2006
Blue Christmas
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Topless Christmas Planning

What, you don't think it's a good idea? Well, we'll see who is laughing on Christmas morning!
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
"I Want to Walk Like You, Talk Like You"

Gran and Papa have given me a new nickname: Mowgli. You remember Mowgli from "The Jungle Book" who grew up thinking he was a wolf, right? Well, they think I believe I am a dog. Frankly, I think it is too harsh of a moniker. Just because I like to look out the door, crawl around on all fours, and have a new fascination with collars doesn't mean I think I'm a doggie.
Mommy says the evidence, however, is pretty damning:
- She caught me licking the window the other day just like Winston and W do.
- Every day, I challenge mommy to a contest to see who can make it to Winston and W's water bowl. Today, I actually beat her and celebrated by splashing their water everywhere.
- Leashes taste good, especially the shiny part that hooks on to those collars I want so badly.
- My first non-"mama" or "dada" word: "Dudya," which is what I call my furry brothers (It sounds like W, but I call Winston "Dudya" as well.)

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Putting the Thanks Back in Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, right? Among other things, I am thankful that Gran and Papa Cecil gave me my Christmas presents on Thanksgiving Day. Mommy says this is a miracle because Papa Cecil would NEVER let her open anything before Christmas when she was little. Anyway, I am really digging this extension of Christmas. Nana and Papa Wayne gave me my Christmas present in October, and now Gran and Papa Cecil have given me theirs in November. Now, all I have to do is wait for Granddaddy to deliver on his Elmo TMX promise next month. For those of you who don't know, Granddaddy laid claim to giving me the Elmo TMX doll back in September before it even came out (and before he realized it would be virtually impossible to find). Not to be outdone, Papa Cecil jokingly told Granddaddy that his Elmo TMX could ride on the pony he would be giving me. Well, guess what! Papa Cecil and Gran really did give me a pony! Who needs Santa when you have grandparents?
Monday, November 20, 2006
Mr. T Meets Mr. Claus
Thursday, November 16, 2006
A Note for Future Travelers
Welcome to America
In Milan, I ate breakfast in the Alitalia lounge (which was insanely crowded and not remotely relaxing as lounges are intended to be) while mommy went to the duty free store. She and daddy decided to spend our remaining Euro so daddy wouldn't have to exchange them for dollars. There are signs ALL OVER the duty free store that say something to this effect: "Attention passengers traveling to the USA! You may take ANYTHING you purchase in this store as part of your hand-carry luggage." Mommy, who enjoys duty free shopping, had even researched this before we left the US. TSA's website says, "Beginning Sept. 26, 2006, liquids, gels, and aerosols purchased after completing security screening at the checkpoint may be carried aboard an aircraft. This includes duty-free shops as well as other vendors inside the security checkpoint." Knowing she would be a-okay, mommy bought two bottles of 12-year aged Balsamic vinegar and a bar of chocolate. The duty free clerk sealed it with "terrorist proof" tape and we were on our way.
Our return flight home was pretty fun. Once again, I wanted nothing to do with the bassinet; and once again, we were all fine once mommy finally understood this. I napped on her while she suffered through a viewing of "My Super Ex-Girlfriend" and while daddy dozed. After waking up, I ate a little bit and played in the floor for awhile. My favorite airplane toy: the toothbrush that comes in the travel kit. That thing rocks. All the flight attendants paid a lot of attention to me, which was cool, too.
We landed in Boston 20 minutes ahead of schedule and cleared customs in record time. As soon as we exited customs and headed for the transfer desk, however, we noticed a sign that said, "Proceed to the left to check your luggage for transferring flights." Hmmm. We headed over to the transfer desk to pick up our boarding passes for the final leg of our journey and met by a 5'6 (generous estimation), twenty-something punk who worked for Alitalia. Mommy told him we needed to pick up our passes to which he replied, "Where is your luggage?" Mommy calmly told him that Alitalia had checked our luggage through to our final destination in Washington. He heaved a sigh of complete and utter disgust and said, "You still have to pick up your luggage in customs and recheck it." Mommy replied that she simply didn't know that and asked what she and daddy needed to do to get it. He then made the mistake of scolding mommy. He told her she couldn't go back to get the luggage, and added that she should have known she had to retrieve her luggage, taunting, "Alitalia made an announcement on your flight." Mommy said she never heard any such announcement, and, for the record, I don't remember one either. The guy, who apparently had a death wish, seethed, "It is a pre-recorded announcement. They make it on every flight." At this point, mommy did something many of you have probably seen, but I never had. She lit into this man. Here are some highlights from her tirade: "Look, I'm sorry I didn't hear any announcement and there are no signs indicating you need to pick up your luggage until AFTER you exit the customs area. Do you want me to get down on my hands and knees to beg your forgiveness because I didn't know I needed to pick up my luggage in Boston when I was told it was checked to Washington? Do you want me to grovel? Do I need to fly back to Italy just so I can fly back to the United States and go through customs in Boston again to retrieve my bags? Just tell me exactly what it is that I need to do in order to receive forgiveness from you for this heinous grievance I have committed?" His response was yet another derogatory comment about mommy and daddy's intelligence level. At this point, daddy (aka Deacon Davis) got involved and uttered a few words that are not appropriate for a baby's blog. After all that, the guy told us Customs would clear and check our bags to Washington for us and sent us to the Delta counter to retrieve our boarding passes. Why he couldn't have done that in the first place is beyond me. Maybe he is part of Boston's welcome committee. As we headed for the Delta counter, daddy muttered, "I'd like to see you out from behind that big counter so I could whip your *%@." Daddy is so tough.
We wound our way through the terminal to the Delta counter, retrieved our tickets, and started through the security line. The TSA agents were belting our their prohibited items questions: "Liquids? Shampoos? Gels? Shaving Cream? Baby Food?" Mommy went to the pre-screen area and pulled out her one-quart bag of permissible goods, a bag with my baby food in it, and the cleared, sealed bag containing the $60 vinegar and chocolate bar. TSA man immediately declares, "You can't take that on board." Mommy pointed out that it had been purchased at the duty free store in Milan, where it had been sealed by security and cleared as hand luggage. TSA man politely informed mommy that her vinegar and chocolate were only cleared for the Milan-Boston leg of her journey, but not subsequent connecting legs. In other words, she could bring her terrorist vinegar and death by chocolate IN to the country, but just couldn't take it outside of Boston. She could either consume both bottles of vinegar and the chocolate before going through security, throw it out, or check it in with the rest of her luggage (which was probably being urinated on by the little twit back at the Alitalia transfer desk). TSA man directed mommy back to the Delta counter, where he assured her they had boxes for checking items for this sort of occasion. Naturally, the lady at the Delta counter had no idea what he was talking about and told mommy the best she could offer was a plastic bag, pointing out, "It probably won't really protect those glass bottles." Genius. Thankfully, mommy had an extra diaper bag, so she stashed her culinary would-be weapons in it and checked it through to Washington.
It should come as no surprise that when we arrived in Washington at 4:30 (just in time for rush hour), the diaper bag was the only bag there. The vinegar and chocolate were safe, as were all the passengers aboard our flight who otherwise could have been severely harmed had mommy had these items with her in the cabin. Welcome to America.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Buon Appetito

Thursday, November 9, 2006
Quality Mommy Time...Again

Dining with Mommy at Aciugheto

I hate these stupid steps.
Sardines, Cuttlefish, and Eel, Oh My!

Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Bellinis, Mosaics, and Marco Polo
Famiglia Davis at Basilica San Marco

It was quite an adventure strolling through the Venetian "streets" with mommy. There actually are no streets here, only canals, which means you have to use bridges to cross from one side of the canal to the other. This is a lot of fun if you are in a stroller - but not so fun if you have to carry the stroller over the bridge steps the way mommy did. Another interesting logistical challenge is navigating through the Venetian walkways at night. To put it mildly, it is like finding your way through a maze. Imagine a narrow sidewalk flanked by five-story buildings on every side. It is virtually impossible to get your bearings and all too easy to get terribly lost. Now, imagine those sidewalks in the darkness of night with no street lamps to guide your way. Impossible! Because the restaurants don't open for dinner until 7:30, you have to either brave the maze or go somewhere you know you can find your way back. Mommy and I opted for the latter and found ourselves at Trattoria de Roberto, which was about as bad as it sounds. Mommy says a good rule of thumb is to avoid places with a "menu turistico," and I think she is right! Afterwards, we went to Cafe Verde for espresso and patisserie before heading back to the hotel and calling it a night.
It was then, however, that I did the most fun thing I have ever done. I took a bath in the big boy tub all by myself. I LOVED IT! I especially enjoyed watching myself splash the water all over the place. Those silver water-mark disks are perfect for admiring your own splashing handiwork. Funny that I had to come to Europe to discover splashing. Maybe I'm channeling Marco Polo since I'm in his home town.
Venezia: A Guided Tour
Loving the Nightlife
Bassinet? We Don't Need No Stinking Bassinet
We were sitting in the very first seats of the plane, so literally everyone aboard Alitalia 619 saw mommy's milkmakers in one state or another. Normally, modest mommy would have been mortified, but it is a sacrifice she was willing to make if it meant eight hours of sleep rather than eight hours of screaming. It worked, too; I promptly passed out...until mommy tried to put me in my bassinet. I was having none of it. Daddy wouldn't work either. It was mommy or blood curdling tears. After she resigned herself to this small fact, I slept like the baby I am until we arrived in Milan. After a two-hour lay over there,a one-hour flight to Venezia, and a one-hour boatride, we finally arrived at our hotel. Whew.
We spent the rest of this first day abroad trying to recover and just strolling around near our hotel. We went to Piazza San Marco and saw all of the pigeons flocking to people and landing on their heads. W would have gone crazy! I managed to go to sleep at 6:00 and woke up only once for a midnight snack. I am truly an international bebe.

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Nana's Visit

My nana came to see me this weekend! We have had a blast (after my initial meltdown when I picked her up at the airport). She lets me practice standing up all the time and doesn't complain a bit when I just want her to hold me. She even kept me last night while mommy and daddy went on a date. Imagine that! She brought me some really cool prezzies, too, including a "Laugh and Learn" table, which is my Christmas present. I can stand up at it and play with all the fun toys on it. That is almost as much fun as playing with her silver bracelet!
We're heading to Italy tomorrow morning, so I probably won't be blogging until I get back. You never know, though, I could find a computer somewhere in Venice, so keep checking back. I promise to have updates on all of my Venetian adventures when I return. Until then, ciao, bebe!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Mommy thought, hoped, and prayed that this would be a gradual process. She thought I'd take one little crawl-step and that would be it for awhile. She wasn't expecting me to motor around the room on the first try. If I know her, she is probably panicking at the prospect of me crawling into a Venetian canal next week or trying to crawl up and down the aisles of the airplane on the transatlantic flight.
Aside from the trip, this will undoubtedly turn Winston and W's world upside down as well. Their food and toys are now fair game as far as I'm concerned. I've desperately been trying to get into Winston's condo, much to mommy's chagrin, and now I can go there anytime I want (as long as mommy has her back turned for just a second).
Free at last, free at last! Until daddy puts up some more gates, I am free at last!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Hanging with P-Daddy

Monday, October 9, 2006
Meet My New Friend

Mommy's friends, Lezlie and David, came to visit this weekend. They brought their 7-week old baby, Lucas, with them. I can't believe I was ever that little, but mommy and daddy assure me that I was. I tried to teach him all of my tricks, especially my ear piercing shriek, but he didn't seem terribly interested in learning any new vices.
Speaking of vices, I have a new one. I learned to spit out food I don't like. I clench my two and a half teeth together and let it (most recently, "it" was a turkey vegetable dinner) squeeze through them while I'm smiling. One thing you will not find me spitting out, however, is my new favorite food, cheese. I can't get enough of it. Mommy had a food contest for me the other day. She put cheese, cheerios, and frozen peas on my tray to see which one I would eat first. Not surprisingly, I went for them in that order. Mommy, whose favorite food is also cheese, was thrilled to see that I really am her son after all.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
On My Own Two Feet
We went to a group called MOPS on Thursday. That stands for "Mothers of Preschoolers." Mommy actually left me in the nursery for two hours while she hung out with other mommies, ate goodies, and did all kinds of girlie things. Can you believe that? Anyway, mommy left this thing called a bottle with me while she was gone. That was kind of strange. It tasted exactly like mommy's milk, but was an altogether different eating experience than I am used to having. The lady who gave it to me told me her children would have starved to death if they had eaten as slow as I did. I told her to give me a break because I was new at this sort of thing. Geez, cut a baby some slack for goodness sake.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Busy Boy

Since it isn't very hot anymore, we have been spending a lot of time outside. Last week, I got in the swing for the very first time. The swing is a little big for me, but I liked it anyway. It is there that I found a new way of smiling - with my mouth closed. I think I look very coy when I do it. Mommy thinks I look like a smarty pants.

Monday, September 18, 2006
Italy Revisited
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Italy Busted?

Monday, September 4, 2006
My First Kickoff...and Cold

Here I am after I saw the score of that game:

Mommy's Yellow Jackets didn't fare much better against Notre Dame, either. To make matters worse, I got my first cold on Saturday as well. You can see I put on the camo Uncle Bud gave me to help me hide from mommy when she tries to suction my runny nose. Unfortuntately, it doesn't work very well.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Lovin' My Ladies

Today, I went on a hot date with Elizabeth. She is the daughter of one of mommy's friends, and she was born two days before I was. She is a fiery red head! We went to the club for lunch, milk cocktails, and some swimming. I kept trying to get her to talk to me, but she was playing hard to get. At one point, I toppled over onto the deck chair and bumped my lip, and Elizabeth cried with me in solidarity. It is a good start.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Just Call Me Emeril

Cooking isn't the only thing I like to do by myself. I have become quite fond of feeding myself, for example. If there is a spoon around, I'm going to try to pry it out of mommy or daddy's hand and use my own hand to put it in my mouth. It makes eating time really messy, but that's what being a boy is all about, right?
Monday, August 21, 2006
Weekend Update
In other news, I had a date Friday night. Mommy and daddy left me with a babysitter named Bethany while they went to Clyde's for cocktails and crabcakes. I didn't even know they were gone because mommy put me to bed before she and daddy left. Needless to say, she prayed really hard that I would not wake up while she was gone. Apparently, I become highly agitated if I wake up and mommy is nowhere to be found. How "highly agitated" you ask? Does the phrase "inconsolable" mean anything to you? Well, God heard her prayers and I slept blissfully the entire time they were gone.
Lastly, I am cutting my second tooth. It hasn't popped through the surface yet, but mommy and daddy can feel it. You can finally see my first tooth, so I'll have to get mommy to take and post a picture of it really soon.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Food - The Final Frontier

Granddaddy says I just need some "Blueberry Buckle" which apparently was mommy's favorite when she was little; but I kind of doubt that mommy is ready to just dive into the sea of jarred baby foods just like that. Anyway, by the end of the weekend, I was warming up to the idea of food on a spoon (see below). I don't eat a lot, but daddy assures me that will change once I taste fried chicken.

Saturday, August 5, 2006
Major Developments
Also, on 2 August, I sat up all by myself. It was pretty exciting and mommy even managed to capture the moment on film. I can't stay up very long, but I'm working on it.

Wednesday, August 2, 2006
Mr. T Went Down to Georgia
I forgot to mention earlier that the first stop my my southern adventure was to see Granddaddy and Uncle Baxter. I actually tried to blog from his house, but his computer apparently is hooked up to a modem that runs on an abacus, so my attempts were completely futile. Mommy's nanny and Aunt Dee came to visit me. They are crazy and each one kept telling me how ugly the other one was. It was pretty funny.
I also was able to finally meet my great aunt Margaret, who braved the Georgia heat to come meet me. We stayed at her house on our way home to Virginia at the end our trip, too. She has a fig tree, which mommy fell in love with, and a really snazzy bag of ice and a ladle that kept me entertained for quite awhile.
Before heading home on Sunday, we had a pool party with all of Gran's family. You know how I love swimming, so I enjoyed showing off my skills in the pool. That 18-year old state wrestling champion lifeguard had nothing on me (but nanny sure did like him).