I am having a grand love affair...with my thumb. We met for the first time the day mommy and daddy brought me home from the hospital, but I was so busy with Winston and W (not to mention getting this whole business of sleeping and eating squared away) that I quickly forgot about it. Then, last week, we met again. Mommy and Daddy try to fight it, but they can't keep us apart. We keep our relationship hidden from them during my awake time. Then, naptime rolls around and my thumb and I have our secret rendezvous. It is bliss.

In related news, I have slept through the night for the past four nights now! Don't believe me? Here is the proof. PS - I am not sure what is going on with my hair here.
You can tell your mom and dad that you know that your grandfather has already proven to them that sucking your thumb is perfectly fine, and that they need to GET OFF YOUR BACK about it!!!!