I celebrated my first Memorial Day this weekend. As you might imagine, daddy celebrated on the golf course...Friday, Saturday, and Monday! On Sunday, we went to meet daddy's Uncle Mike and Aunt Vicki at daddy's cousin David's house. Later that night, we went to mommy's friend Bill's house. He was having a cookout for a bunch of her friends from work. It was very exciting as I got to stay up an hour past my bedtime and I was able to hang out with my honorary Uncle JR. We are pretty tight ever since he diagnosed my jaundice when he came to visit me at the hospital when I was born. Plus, I remember him from all of the coffee breaks he would take with mommy and honorary Uncle Bill when mommy used to work. Man, those were the days!
Anyway, after daddy finished golfing (an hour late) on Monday, we went over to the Weber house. We had a potluck cookout along with the Henning family from church. There were seven children there including moi! I can't wait until I am old enough to play with them. As it was, I had to hang out with the grownups. It was kind of cool, though, because daddy changed my diaper not once, not twice, but three times while we were there. I don't know what got into him. He kept telling mommy that I needed to be changed, and she just said, "Okay, go ahead and change him." Daddy was confused (as he is used to changing approximately one diaper a week), but he did it anyway. It was confusing for me, too, but mommy assures me that we will both get used to it.
In other news, I've been spending time in the Exercauser granddaddy gave me at Christmas when I was still in mommy's tummy. I really like playing with all of the cool toys on it, and I can turn all the way around in it. It rocks.