Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mama's Boy

I have a confession to make. I am a mama's boy. I can't live without her. On a bad day, I can't even close my eyes unless she is touching me. That way, I know she is still there even though I can't see her. I say it is endearing. Mommy is not so sure. My gran says that I am s-p-o-i-l-e-d, so I called her when mommy put me down for a nap just so she could know how miserable I am if mommy isn't in eyesight (and how I am instantly happy when she comes in to view). She was empathetic, telling me that mommy was the same way with her when she was a baby.

I am not nearly as bad as mommy was when she was little. I only cry for mommy if I can't see her when I am trying to take a nap or if she has left the house altogether. Is that so wrong? The only problem is, frankly, I'm a point where it has to be all mommy, all the time. Daddy actually tried taking over mommy duties last night so mommy could have two hours to herself on her birthday (I overheard her saying something about wanting go shopping sans stroller). It didn't work. He had to call her every fifteen minutes to let her know how upset I was that she was gone. After 45 minutes (and four phone calls), mommy surrendered and just came home. She may have been a little disappointed, but I don't really understand how she thought she could have a good time without me. Do you???


  1. Dear Mr. T.

    Don't worry about it too much. Mommy turned out pretty good in the long run and you will to. I know it must make mommy a little bit happy you like her so much. It would make me happy if you wanted Gran that much!!! I am counting the days until I see you in July. XOXO


  2. Rella,
    Keep trying and turn off your cell phone! Just kidding. Why is it that grandmothers LOVE to tell you that YOU did that when YOU were little, so it's only fair. Like we care.

