Tuesday, May 23, 2006

On My Own...

Big news from the weekend! Mommy left me in the nursery at church for the first time. Apparently, this was a pretty big deal for her. I'm not sure, but I think she actually performed a cursory scan of the nursery to make sure there weren't any Cheez-Its in sight before she left me. She told me that she had a hard time concentrating on the sermon because she kept waiting for the nursery pager to go off in her hand, confirming her fears that I would break down while in the care of strangers. Needless to say, I was fine. I was so fine, in fact, that I took a nap while she was gone. Mommy was thrilled.

I also had a playdate over the weekend. Mommy's friends, Mike and Carol, brought their 4.5 week old baby, Peter, over for dinner on Saturday night. Uncle Bill came over, too. Mike held me for a little bit while mommy cooked dinner. It was nice to see his face after hearing his voice for nine months when I was in mommy's tummy. It was even nicer to not have to listen to them talk about PDBs, DCs, Darfur, the Jinjaweed, the AU, the crazy lady at the NSC, or the Abuja Peace Talks. There was so much excitement that I just couldn't go to sleep, so mommy and daddy let me stay up waaaay past my bedtime! I felt like such a big boy. Peter looked so much smaller than I am; I couldn't believe it when mommy told me that he is bigger than I was at that age.


  1. Mr. T - I am glad you are a big boy now and can stay in the nursery without mommy, BUT I wish you would tell Mommy that your Nana is having Mr. T withdrawals and I need to see just one little picture of my handsome baby. Or you can tell Daddy; however, I just think maybe Mommy is better with that new digital of hers. You will get to meet more of your Kentucky relatives this weekend and I can't wait for them to see my handsome grandbaby. Have a good week - Love, Nana

  2. I am missing Mr. T. so bad. He is so precious. I agree with Nana. We need more pictures to see.
    I love you all.

  3. Just thinking about you Mr. T and noticed your comment about staying in the nursery. No big deal, huh? We Davis men can sleep about anywhere, anytime. Sometimes Cheez-Its will help us doze off. We'll find some when you get to Kentucky.
