In all my life, I have never seen so many grandparents in the same place at the same time. I was baptized today and ALL of my grandparents came to see it. It was pretty cool, and they did their best to spoil me rotten. Frankly, I am not sure my little butt touched ground the entire weekend, and they brought me so many presents that I don't know what to do with myself. Granddaddy is still here, so I'm looking forward to carrying this spoiling on through midweek when he leaves.

Gran and Papa Cecil arrived Thursday evening. On Friday, we went to Daddy's club to have lunch. It was really nice outside and we saw four deer on the way home. Of course, mommy wanted to play cards, so I played my very first game of spades. As you can see, I really liked it.
Nana and Papa Wayne arrived Friday night after battling rush hour traffic on the beltway. Man, they must really love me because they flew into Baltimore and then drove to Virginia. What a hike! Nana tickled me with my elephant, which I thought was simply hilarious.

Granddaddy completed the party when he arrived on Saturday afternoon. We had a big cookout that night, and the grandparents demanded to watch videos of my baby days. I was asleep, but I hear they enjoyed it.
Sunday morning, everyone came over to the house before heading to church. It was pretty sunny out, so, naturally, I opted for shades.

I was the first of four boys our pastor, John, baptized this morning. I was really digging the water and didn't cry at all. It was fun to be in church with mommy and daddy (not to mention the grandparents). The music was really fascinating. Afterwards, we came back to the house for MORE food and picture pandemonium. I need a weekend to recover from the weekend!