Much to daddy's chagrin, I went swimming for the first time Wednesday night while I was at my godfamily's house in Franklin. I LOVED it! I just sat back in my float and let mommy spin me all around the pool. This is the life for me. I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed having Jim, Jessica, and Philip playing with me all the time! Aside from swimming a lot, I took a nice, long napwith my godmother, Jill; and my godfather, Jay, babysat me one night and introduced me to the Atlanta Braves!

Also, I was able to meet my future wife, Elise Kuzniak. She is the six week old daughter of mommy's friend, Lauren. She has really cool toys, doggies, and great parents (so I know I will have good in-laws when we get married). The only problem is she has UGA blood in her veins. When we got to the house, her daddy was actually wearing a UGA T-shirt. It was awkward at first because I was in my Georgia Tech gear, but we were able to move past it pretty quickly.
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