After my adventures in Kentucky, I headed down to the ATL to hang with Gran and Papa Cecil. Gran taught me how to pull myself up while she is holding on to my fingers. I am really hot stuff when I do that. I guess she was trying to buddy up to me after kicking mommy and daddy out of the house so much. She tried to play it off as though she wanted them to go on dates while they had "free babysitting," but I know she just wanted me all to herself. Other than pulling up and demonstrating my newly acquired rolling skills, my aunt Leslie came to see me a lot, and I was able to meet some of mommy's friends and their babies! Mommy's friend, Marti, has a three year old daughter named Sara who made me laugh the entire time I was at her house. She would jump up and down for me, and I thought it was the funniest thing I have EVER seen. I also was able to meet my second cousin, Ella Ann. As you can see from the picture below, she was gracious enough to allow me to use her baby seat, while I let her play with my elephant. Aren't we good at sharing?
I forgot to mention earlier that the first stop my my southern adventure was to see Granddaddy and Uncle Baxter. I actually tried to blog from his house, but his computer apparently is hooked up to a modem that runs on an abacus, so my attempts were completely futile. Mommy's nanny and Aunt Dee came to visit me. They are crazy and each one kept telling me how ugly the other one was. It was pretty funny.

I also was able to finally meet my great aunt Margaret, who braved the Georgia heat to come meet me. We stayed at her house on our way home to Virginia at the end our trip, too. She has a fig tree, which mommy fell in love with, and a really snazzy bag of ice and a ladle that kept me entertained for quite awhile.
Before heading home on Sunday, we had a pool party with all of Gran's family. You know how I love swimming, so I enjoyed showing off my skills in the pool. That 18-year old state wrestling champion lifeguard had nothing on me (but nanny sure did like him).