My Aunt Leslie came to visit me this weekend. We had a blast! She played a lot of peekaboo with me, and it was the funniest thing I have ever done - EVER. She also gave me a bath, which mommy says will probably embarrass me someday. Right now, though, I really don't mind. My new tooth started coming in while she was here, too. I figured I had to do something really special to make her like me as much as she likes her niece!

Today, I went on a hot date with Elizabeth. She is the daughter of one of mommy's friends, and she was born two days before I was. She is a fiery red head! We went to the club for lunch, milk cocktails, and some swimming. I kept trying to get her to talk to me, but she was playing hard to get. At one point, I toppled over onto the deck chair and bumped my lip, and Elizabeth cried with me in solidarity. It is a good start.
Well, Mr. T, August was certainly a busy month for you. Food, new teeth, and now you're dating and taking redheads out for milk cocktails! You sort of remind me of your Great Uncle Dick- except for the new teeth part- you have him beat there- he never conquered that frontier! I love you and miss you every day!
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