I had a great time visiting my nana and papa in Kentucky! I even mastered the fine art of rolling and rolling and rolling over while there. Mommy says this is entirely appropriate given the time honored Kentucky wedding tradition of everyone lying down on the floor and rolling around during the song, "Proud Mary." Apparently this is a mandatory feature, much like tossing the bouquet or cutting the cake, at any wedding reception for daddy's friends. Other than rolling, I had the pleasure of meeting everyone at nana and papa's offices, as well as the rest of daddy's side of the family, including my other two great grandmothers. My great-nanny Thompson even made some of her famous fried chicken when she came over to see me. You won't be at all surprised to learn that daddy wanted to give me some, but mommy's strong objection prevailed in the end.

Hey Mr. T - I am so glad you finally made it to KY, sorry you didn't get to sample your great Nanny's fried chicken, but rest assured there is plenty of time for that. Even though, we miss you already and wish you back, I am glad to know that you, Mommy, Daddy and the boys are home safely and you can sleep in your own bed. Have a great week, Love, Nana