Sunday, October 29, 2006

Nana's Visit

My nana came to see me this weekend! We have had a blast (after my initial meltdown when I picked her up at the airport). She lets me practice standing up all the time and doesn't complain a bit when I just want her to hold me. She even kept me last night while mommy and daddy went on a date. Imagine that! She brought me some really cool prezzies, too, including a "Laugh and Learn" table, which is my Christmas present. I can stand up at it and play with all the fun toys on it. That is almost as much fun as playing with her silver bracelet!

We're heading to Italy tomorrow morning, so I probably won't be blogging until I get back. You never know, though, I could find a computer somewhere in Venice, so keep checking back. I promise to have updates on all of my Venetian adventures when I return. Until then, ciao, bebe!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Thatcher! You look soo handsome! I'm glad you enjoyed your Nana's visit. I would like to see the present she brought you,but Nanny would probably prefer the silver bracelet!I hope you are taking in all the sights in Italy so you can tell Nanny all about it when you get home. I know you are being a good boy for Mommy and Daddy?! Have Fun and I Love You. Tell Mommy and Daddy Nanny said "Hi". Love,Nanny
