Word on the street is that I am supposed to leave this Santa character cookies Sunday night. Most of you probably remember that my first encounter with Santa was not exactly pleasant. I have, however, been told that he will give me presents if A) I am really good and B) I leave him a plate of cookies and a glass of milk. Naturally, I'm willing to give it a try if presents are at stake. Given that I probably didn't make a great impression the first time we met, I figure I should up the ante and leave him something better than cookies. I've decided to go with Chick-Fil-A's chicken salad. I've never had one of these "cookies," but I really dig chicken salad. Cookies probably wouldn't taste as good after being rubbed in your hair and on your belly the way chicken salad does, either!

What, you don't think it's a good idea? Well, we'll see who is laughing on Christmas morning!
Mr. T, well maybe your plan of chicken salad is better than the deer poop cookie plan I came up with. Anyway, I was admiring that chair you're sitting in and thought it would be perfect for some of the guys at the hunting camp, that is if comes in a reclinner model. They aren't the neatest bunch when it comes to food and you would have to be able to put that thing in front of the TV. I'm sure they would just fight over it so we would have to get more than one. Of course it would be a plus if you could hang it in a tree to hunt out of. Just the same, I am going to ask Santa to send one to the camp and of course you will have dibs on it when you go hunting with me. I hope you get all you want for Christmas 'cause I sure know you deserve it. I will have your present for you the next time I see you and I will show you how to load it then. Love, Uncle Bud.
ReplyDeleteJammaster, I agree. Who could want anything besides Chick-fil-a's chicken salad? It's the best (although my sister sneaks me her cookies and they're not bad either). But all the other kids will do cookies--we want to stand out! On a side note, I see your mom makes you eat naked as well. Such is life.
ReplyDeleteDJ Jazzy Mac
What's the limit on reindeer in Georgia?