Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Lovin' the Ladies
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Preparing for Christmas (and Big Changes)

To help decorate, I put up my very own nativity scene in the dining room. You probably didn't realize that John Deere was at the birth of our Lord, but let me assure you that he was. How else do you think the shepherds got all the way from the fields to the stable?
I've also been adjusting the decorations on the tree. Mommy clearly did not have some properly positioned.
To reward all my hard work, mommy and daddy let me open my Christmas present from Nana and Papa. It is a car bed for big boys!!!! Daddy and I put it together last Sunday night and I've been sleeping in it ever since. Mommy bought me some really cool car sheets to go on it, and I even have a magic pillow, underneath which all of my pacifiers seem to magically appear at bedtime. I think it is hilarious and quite possibly the coolest pillow ever.
At Long Last, a Thanksgiving Post

Sunday, November 11, 2007
My Best Friends
Other than that, I've been busy playing with Winston and W, so I haven't had much time to write lately. I love playing chase with them (although W isn't that thrilled about it), and I've recently added fetch to my repertoire. Sometimes I bribe W to play with me by sneaking into the pantry where mommy and daddy keep his food; I'll reach in and grab a handful and give it to him in hopes that he'll play with me. It usually works! I've also learned how to let Winnie and Tuffy in and out of the back yard, which has been a real help to mommy. Whenever Winston is ready to come inside, I just go to the door and let him in. Then, I'll stick my head out and call for Dudya. He never comes when I call him the first time, so I close the door and wait another minute before calling him again. Mommy and daddy think this is my coolest trick ever. Personally, I think it is far more impressive that I can have managed to find Winston and W's replacement squeakers for their squeaky toys and squeak them (with my teeth) while they're still in the wrapper.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Heaven, Thy Name is Pumpkinville
It rocked! It rocked so much that mommy took 49 pictures! If you want to see them, click here.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Water World
Lastly, I confess that I was busted Sunday morning; and, no, not for "borrowing" cars from my Sunday School classroom. Mommy walked into the bedroom and found me on all fours, drinking out of Winston and W's water bowl. It was bound to happen, and at least now I don't have to hide it.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Refrigerator Art
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Do You Know the Brownie Man?
Finger lickin' good
In other news, we went to Kentucky this weekend to visit Nana and Papa. Mommy and daddy forgot to bring the camera, so it is a good thing Nana and Papa gave me some books and jammies so I can have some souvenirs of the trip! I'm really into "How Do Dinosaurs..." books (thanks to my Aunt Ashley and Uncle Devil), and Nana and Papa gave me two, BIG, new ones. Mommy had to read them to me twice just this morning; after which, I read both of them to Winston and W. They seem to like them almost as much as I do. Hopefully, the little sister I will be getting in a few months will like them as well!
Sunday, September 9, 2007

Monday, August 13, 2007
Top Five Things I Did the First Week of August
4. Stealing Mommy's Brie. Mommy simply adores brie. When daddy was going to be gone all day last week, she thought she would treat herself to a nice wedge and a baguette. Who knows, maybe she thought she'd relive her days in Paris or something. I put a stop to her culinary fantasy with my "ehhhh" (which means, "Um, mommy, I need some of that right now, please."). She gave me some of the baguette; but who wants a plain baguette when you can have a baguette with silky, creamy brie on it? It was delish!
3. Discovering Peanut Butter. My pediatrician told mommy that I shouldn't have peanut butter until I am able to say, "Mommy, my throat feels funny." At the rate I am going, that won't be until I'm 13. Mommy thought she'd have a peanut butter and jam sandwich for lunch while I ate my chicken nuggets. I was having none of it and howled and pointed until she finally gave me a bite of her sandwich (and prayed that I wouldn't go into anaphylactic shock). Thankfully, I didn't; and I'm now a bonafide peanut connoisseur.
2. Going to the Movies. It has been 100 degrees here all week, so our outdoor outings have been severely restricted . The movie theatre by the house has free children's movies on Wednesdays, so mommy thought we should go just to get out of the house for a little while. She said even if we only stayed for 10 minutes, it would be worth it just to get out of the house. We got to the theatre half an hour before "Clifford's Big Adventure" was supposed to come on, and the place was PACKED. Half of Loudoun county was there! Mommy found a movie booster seat for me, so the seat wouldn't fold up with me in it. I loved watching all of the other kids and the movie was pretty good, too. The best part by far, however, was....
1. Discovering Popcorn! Not only was the movie free, but the theatre sold $1 popcorn. Mommy put some in my snack trap cup for me and watched to see how I would take to that buttery goodness. All I have to say is WHY did I have to wait 18 months to try this little slice of heaven!!?!?! I didn't bat an eye at the new, crunchy, yet also soft, texture. I just devoured it all! Unfortunately for mommy, I was ready to leave the theatre once we ran out of popcorn (which was about an hour into the film). Next time, she'll know to get her own box. I'm not up for sharing this stuff.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
July Update

I've also had company in town. My Auntie X came to visit! She was a lot of fun, just like mommy said she would be. She took me for walks, taught me how to do jumping jacks, and played with me outside. The coolest thing about her, however, is that she let me drive my cars on her bum. She and mommy told me that she was voted "Best Bum" in high school; and I can see why. It is the perfect ramp for Hot Wheels!
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Samson Davis
Other than that, it's been a pretty slow week. Mommy and I went to the pool yesterday afternoon, which was kind of fun...but really only because I got to be outside. I'd rather spend my days eating frosted rice cakes than lounging in the water anyway. I am totally addicted to those things, by the way. I will open the pantry door, find the box, take out a package and hand it to mommy. She tries to limit my consumption, so I've developed a great trick to get my way. Usually, I call mommy "baba" just to make her mad; but when I want some of my rice cakes, I hand them to her and sweetly say, "mama." It works every time.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Trampolines and Gorillas in Tennessee
That afternoon, we headed over to the Clarke house for the rest of the week. It was Jessica's birthday on Tuesday, so our visit was (hopefully) a big surprise for her. Her birthday celebration, was certainly a big surprise for me! We went to the Rainforest Cafe, where Jess has celebrated her last seven birthdays. Jessica apparently is not scared of gorillas that gruffly grunt, shake palm trees, and conjure up tropical rainstorms. I, on the other hand, am terrified of them. Unfortunately, they seated us in only inches away from the gorilla (I still contend that I could smell his breath), which meant I was NOT happy. My godfather, Jay, took me out for about 10 minutes until the major rainstorm passed, but I was still upset. Mommy says the fact that Mr. Jay bought and put me in a bright-orange UT t-shirt didn't help matters. Mommy ended up renting a super-cool stroller in the shape of a car and letting me "drive" around the mall while everyone finished their dinner. I hated to ruin Jessica's birthday, but gorillas and Mr. Ts just don't mix.
Other than that, the trip was awesome. My godmother, Jill, set up Jim's old train set for me to play with, and it rocked! It was almost as cool as the trampoline they have. Philip and I jumped on it the night before we left. Man, I wish I had discovered that thing sooner! I have never laughed so hard in all my life as I did when Philip would do these amazing flips! I laughed so hard that I couldn't even walk - I would just fall right over! No wonder I threw up when I finally got off.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Traveling Man (Updated)

Once we finally settled into the new house, we flew out to Kentucky. After landing, I went to my very first Cracker Barrel, where I proved that I am--beyond a shadow of a doubt--that I am a southern boy by devouring my pinto beans! After a short drive, we made it to Nana and Papa's, where they had an entire Hot Wheels City set up for me. Needless to say, I'm in heaven!