On Christmas Eve, daddy, mommy, Winston, W, and I drove from Chattanooga to Kentucky. Whenever anyone asks mommy how long of a drive it is, she always has the same reply: "Longer than I think it is." She's right, but it was worth the trip. After arriving at Nana and Papa's house, we went over to my Nanny Thompson's house for the Christmas Eve festivities. I was finally able to meet my second cousin, Carter, and was able to hang out with my other second cousin, Ella Ann, again. We had a ball playing with each other and with all of the toys. We especially liked the "caroling dogs" toy someone gave daddy, who was all too happy to let us play with it. Everyone said we looked like little angels all dressed in white. Little do they know!

Checking out the Caroling Christmas Dogs with Carter and Ella Ann
I woke up at my usual 6:00 on Christmas morning (that's 5 AM Kentucky time). Mommy and daddy gave me a "Cozy Comfy" Lamb with my name on it. It is a stuffed animal and blanket all wrapped up into one. Mommy assures me that I will grow to love it; but frankly, if it doesn't have wheels, I'm not that interested right now. Thankfully, a lot of people gave me cars and trucks for Christmas. Hopefully the new fleet will get me through until my birthday! Truthfully, I have so many, I probably won't need a new vehicle until I turn four...well, maybe three! Of all the toys I had to play with, I oddly enough chose to play with mommy's hairbrushes for most of the morning. Wonder if that means I'm going to grow up to be a stylist.... Just kidding, daddy.
Contemplating My Future as the Next Oscar Blandi
Wouldn't You Like to Find Me Under Your Tree?
Mr. T - I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling so well, I just wish we were closer so we could just sit and hold you maybe even Mommy could get some much needed sleep.
ReplyDeleteI think the picture of you, Carter and Ella Ann portrays a sense of innocence; however, next year may be a different story. We loved having you, Mommy, Daddy and your doggie brothers Chrismas. We can't wait to make the trip with Gran and Papa Cecil for your first big birthday. I can't believe it. Love You, Nana