I have finally recovered from my holiday travels and near-broken finger to update the blog. Let me rewind a bit to a couple of weeks ago to catch you up.

22 December 2006. Today, I celebrated an early Christmas with mommy's aunts and my great-nanny. They are certifiably crazy but a lot of fun, so I know that we are definitely related. Mommy about died because they wanted to give me cookies and juice. She shouldn't have been surprised, though. I've read Aunt Sherri and Nanny's promises about getting me off of this organic and healthy diet mommy has me on. Between you and me, I was really disappointed that Aunt Sherri didn't have any of those Long John Silver's "crispies" she's told me about. I was hoping that she would give me that for Christmas, but instead she gave me a present that scared my pants off. It's a Playskool board with lots of plastic, colored bolts on it that light up, make music, and spin around. She said her grandson, Landon, loves it; but I'm not so sure how I feel about it. It's not quite Santa scary, but close.

Tonight, I went over to Granddaddy's new house to exchange prezzies with him and his fiance, Tena. They gave me Elmo TMX, which is really cool (although I think Granddaddy may like it a bit more than I do). They also gave me what has arguably become my favorite Christmas present of all time, a police car that makes lots of fun noises. It is just the right size for me to roll all around the house.
Hi Thatcher! I sooo much enjoyed spending time with you and your Mommy and Daddy. (Mostly you though) I'm sorry Aunt Sherri bought you a scary toy,I don't think she did it on purpose,she just doesn't know any better. As for the cookies and juice,even though coke would be better,your Mommy would not take her eyes off of me!! I had no chance to sneak you anything . Not to worry though, I am working on a plan and I will not tell anyone what it is. We will overcome! Nanny Loves You Very Much. Hugs and Kisses from your Great Nanny to my Great Grandson! (who is really Great)
ReplyDeleteI would have to be Bond, Jane Bond, to try to get anything past that mother of yours! I can tell she was very good at her previous place of employment! But..., she has to sleep sometime and the next time I see you, we'll wait until she's asleep- and then the party is on! I bought you a noisy toy so it would drown out the sound of your chewing your crunchies and slurping coke. We'll work on it next time we're together. I love you!
Aunt Sherri