It is going to take me a year to recover from my birthday party. Put simply, it rocked! All of my grandparents were here, which made it the most special birthday I've ever had. I'm still trying to open presents (mommy and daddy just decided to put theirs away for me to open on a rainy day), so I'm just going to give you some snapshots to tide you over until I can stop playing with my new toys long enough to write.
This tractor is nice, but I thought you said
there would be cake at this party.
Holding Court with My Birthday Cake

...and After.
Nice cake Dude, we had one like that at the farm one time but the possum got into it in the middle of the night and we didn't get any. The boys in camp were sure disapointed until we caught that 'ol rascal and turned him in to possum pie. It is kind of like salmon in a dough pie, but greasy. Anyway, I'll fix it for you next time you go to the huntin' camp, provided we can hunt us up a big 'ol fat one. Happy birthday from your Uncle Bud. P.S. I bought you a deer stand the other day so when you come to visit me we'll get your Dad and Papa Cecil to go to the farm and help us find a good tree to put it in.