Studying up to take the CPA exam so I can help daddy during tax season;
Terribly busy flying around Loblolly Court in my ultra-fancy Mickey Mouse airplane (compliments of Gran and Papa);
Other than that, I've finally mastered the art of walking. Finally. Mommy and daddy played "the napkin game" with me last Monday night, and that is when I really took off. Granddaddy invented the napkin game, which basically goes a little something like this: Put a napkin on my head; I pull it off; you yell, "Aaaack;" I laugh hysterically. After I pulled the napkin off my head, mommy would throw it to daddy...and I would walk to get it. Who knew Williams Sonoma napkins were such great motivators? Needless to say, granddaddy is telling everyone about the instrumental role he played in this developmental milestone.
Since I'm walking, mommy decided that I probably should get some big boy shoes. I went to Nordstrom and was fitted last week. Mommy bought me two pairs of Stride Rite sandals (good thing daddy wasn't shopping - he would have bought me wingtips or golf shoes). I could live with the closed-toe pair, but I screamed my head off whenever she tried to put on the open-toed ones. She finally managed to sneak them on to me today before I noticed - and they actually weren't that bad. It probably helped that she applauded once she finally got them on me. I'll do anything if you clap for me.
The only other news I have that's fit for print (and might also explain my prolonged absence) is that I once again have a double ear infection. Mommy took me to the doctor this morning, where they confirmed her suspicions. While waiting for the doctor, I started playing with mommy's wallet. I took out all of her credit cards and photographs. It was a lot of fun, so I was quite upset when she told me (my least favorite word) no and took it away. I was so angry, in fact, that I took her arm, wrapped my mouth around it, and chomped down as hard as I could. Mommy usually says I'm precious, but now I detect a hint of sarcasm in her voice.