I had been warned that rotavirus was pretty bad, but no one told me I would have explosive, uncontainable poops every 10-15 minutes. For the most part, I could handle it. I spent most of my time in mommy's lap watching Blue's Clues and The Wonder Pets. Mommy, on the other hand, was about to crack. Last Wednesday was especially bad. I pooped three times during lunch. Every time, mommy changed my diaper; but the third time, it ran out the diaper, onto the high chair, and into a puddle on the floor. Mommy stripped me, toweled me off, and carried me up to my bathroom, all the while praying that Winston and W wouldn't try to "help" clean the floor. As soon as she stood me on the bathroom floor, I pooped again. She hoisted me into the tub, where I pooped yet AGAIN. While mopping the floor and draining the poop bathwater, mommy frantically called my Nana to beg her to come help. Sure enough, Nana was on a plane less than 24 hours later, and mommy has never been so happy to see her!
By the time Nana arrived, I was doing much better. We had a big time during her visit. We didn't go out much, but we had a great time bonding...and it was nice to have someone other than mommy cart my butt around. She spent a lot of time playing outside with me, which was tons of fun. Now I know why the dudyas are always standing at the back door! There is a whole world of fun in the back yard waiting for me to explore. Now that I am officially rotavirus free, mommy stands little chance of containing me.
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