Thursday, May 31, 2007

My Idea of A Balanced Diet

In Case You Need a Closeup...

Memorial Day Report

Did you have a great Memorial Day weekend? I did! Daddy didn't play much golf at all, so I was able to spend most of the weekend with him. It was so much fun! We played in my new swimming pool on Friday and Saturday. It is so cool - it squirts water everywhere and has a whale slide. Thank you, Papa Cecil, for getting it for me! On Saturday, we drove out to our new house for a little while, then we went to eat barbecue. I had never had barbecue before...and I still haven't because I was too busy flirting with the little girl at the next table. I did manage to nibble on some of mommy's okra, cucumbers and tomatoes, though, which really bothered daddy. He said no son of his would choose vegetables over the miniature corn dogs I had on my plate.

Right about now you are probably thinking that mommy must have died or been out of the country or temporarily insane to let me order corn dogs. Believe me, I was just as stunned as you are. As she took a sip of her sweet tea, I heard her mutter something about it being a holiday and that sometimes rules are meant to be broken. Mommy must really like Memorial Day because she didn't stop at corn dogs. She actually gave me my very first ice cream cone, too! It was cookies and cream, and it was heaven. I knew exactly what to do with it, too, and didn't let one drop miss my mouth. I hope we can celebrate Memorial Day again REALLY soon!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gardening Gourmand

Mommy and I went to Meadows Farms nursery today. I really like going because they have great puddles I can jump in! Mommy also lets me push the cart around if I can't find any puddles to pounce. Today I discovered they also have dirt that tastes pretty good. After I pitched a whale of a fit (because mommy wouldn't let me eat any more potting soil), we went home and worked on some planters for the new house. We planted mommy's usual geraniums and added some trailing verbena just for kicks. While mommy was busy planting, I conducted a taste test: not surprisingly, Miracle Grow potting soil tastes a lot better than the soil at the nursery. After a hard afternoon of labor, mommy watered the plants and created some puddles for me on the deck. I was too busy running headfirst into the stream of water, however, to notice them. Mommy couldn't hold the hose and photograph me running headfirst into it, but she managed to catch it on video.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My Troubles

The problem with being only 15 months old is that I can't always get my cheerios into my mouth. I take consolation in knowing that they look just as good on my nose as they taste on my tongue. Another issue I have is that it is almost impossible to play with the cars in the Automotive section of the newspaper. They have all kinds of really cool cars, but none of them will come off of the page so I can roll them around the floor. It makes me REALLY angry. REALLY ANGRY.

Mommy Time

We've been pretty busy around here lately. Last week was Mother's Day AND mommy's birthday. Needless to say, I've had to give her all of my attention, which left little time for blogging. Thankfully, Gran and Papa Cecil came last week to take some of the pressure of entertaining mommy off of me. We had a big time playing outside every day and going for lots of walks. Walking was so much fun...until Gran would tell me I couldn't go in the street or into the woods. I never would have guessed she would be such a spoilsport. We also spent a lot of time outside, playing on my playset. I even mastered climbing the six-foot ladder to get to the top of the fort. Well, maybe I haven't quite "mastered" it, but I would if mommy would just let me do it by myself. She's so afraid I'll fall off and break a limb just because my legs aren't long enough to go from one rung to the next without flailing around in the air for what she says is an eternity.

Wishing Mommy a Happy Mother's Day

Happy Birthday,, give me some cake!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I'm a New Person


Guess What!

I can HEAR...

...and I want to tell you all about it!

Mommy and daddy are thinking of having the tubes taken out of my ears because they say I am running around the house like a madman. Mommy has commented more than once that I am eating her out of house and home. That's just fine by me because I prefer to be "out of house and home" and OUTSIDE! I try to make a break for it every time the dudyas go outside, but mommy usually catches me. She is afraid that I will dive face-first down the stairs and into the yard, but I don't care as long as I am outside with the sun on my face and the wind in my hair. If I get to slide on my play set, that's just icing on the cake.

In other news, I discovered "threads" yesterday. That has made life really interesting for mommy and daddy. They are just a ton of fun to pull, so who can blame me?!? I also have mastered dialing and talking on the phone, pushing all of the buttons on the TV and TIVO, opening and closing the garage, and unscrewing lids (usually to mommy's cosmetics). Mommy says there is never a dull moment around here...a statement that is usually followed by "I could seriously use a drink!"