To help decorate, I put up my very own nativity scene in the dining room. You probably didn't realize that John Deere was at the birth of our Lord, but let me assure you that he was. How else do you think the shepherds got all the way from the fields to the stable?
I've also been adjusting the decorations on the tree. Mommy clearly did not have some properly positioned.
To reward all my hard work, mommy and daddy let me open my Christmas present from Nana and Papa. It is a car bed for big boys!!!! Daddy and I put it together last Sunday night and I've been sleeping in it ever since. Mommy bought me some really cool car sheets to go on it, and I even have a magic pillow, underneath which all of my pacifiers seem to magically appear at bedtime. I think it is hilarious and quite possibly the coolest pillow ever.
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