Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Home Movies

Nothin' for Christmas
Can you see where I just dove in with both hands? Hands make great cake excavators. It's a wonder I'm still alive (but mom says there are no guarantees that I will be come Christmas morning).
PS - When she iced the second cake and had to leave the room, she put it on top of the china cabinet to be extra safe.
PPS - When I talked to Gran this afternoon, I told her, "Gran, come my house. Made you a cake. I ruined it."
Monday, December 22, 2008
Breakfast With Santa

The whole point of the Breakfast with Santa, of course, was to meet the big guy. You probably remember that Thatcher was not really a big fan of the man in red the first couple of times he met him, so mommy and daddy were a little nervous. I, on the other hand, thought he would be a great cuddler, so I snuggled right up. Maybe he'll remember how cuddly I am when he visits my house on Christmas Eve.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Things I Say in the Car
- "Go, mom."
- "Look, mom, ex-ca-ba-tor!"
- "Fire Truck, mom!"
- "Lellow light, slow down."
- "Go, honey."
- "Slow down, mom."
- "Hadwee sweepin'."
- "Need band-aid, mom."
- "Go Tar(g)et, wook Thomas, not buy it."
- "Dinky Doo Spe-al Milk, Waaaht Eee-aay-go, Feed Hadwee." (This translates into "Drink Dinky Doo Special Milk, Watch Diego, Feed Hadley," and it is what I say every time we get in the car after preschool.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
The Creation of a Monster
By the time I reached Kentucky, I was feeling much better, but I had rather gotten used to this holding thing. Here I am using the "I'm not used to sleeping in a strange place, so will you please hold me, Gran" tactic. As you can see, it worked pretty well.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Things I Say
Now, whenever MOM tells me to do something I don't want to, I tell her ever so matter of factly, "No way."
Somehow, MOM and daddy don't think it's too funny.
MOM says, "Say, 'no ma'am."
To which I reply, "No, man."
She doesn't know if I am mispronouncing "ma'am" (probably...hopefully) of if I'm blowing her off and saying, "no man." I'll never tell.
Off The Charts
In other news, I'm standing on my own. I desperately want to walk but refuse to let anyone help me with it. I'll do it myself or not at all. Holding someone's hands is for babies.
Oh, I've also started clucking...or quacking...depending on the day.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Trinity Revisited?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Dallas Report
To put it mildly, I did not want to say goodbye when it was time to leave on Sunday.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Punkin Bill
In other news, I have discovered Diego. When I come home from preschool, I want to "watch eee-ay-oo, mom." Oh, and I've also taken to calling mommy "mom." I usually do it when I want something ("Buy it, Mom") or need something ("NEED Starbucks, Mom") or when I'm saying no (NO, mom). MOM thinks I'm too young to be calling her "mom."
I've also had to ditch the naps. Whenever I take one, I refuse to go to sleep at night. I just sit in my rocking chair--where I would sleep if mom and daddy would let me--until I pass out (which sometimes isn't until 10:00). The other night, I actually fell asleep WHILE climbing into the chair.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Letter to My Aunt Sherri
Dear Hadley, I am so sorry you have peaked at six months old. You started out with such promise- always a delight to be with, took great pictures,we always looked forward to reading about your new adventures. Evidently your mother has left you in Kentucky because your last post, which was waaaaay over a month ago stated you would post again upon your return. I’m truly sorry she just brought Thatcher back- I know this because she has updated his blog. This will be the first of many opportunities you can use to say, “But it’s not fair, Thatcher got to!”
Anyway, I’m sorry you have become such a bore at such an early stage in life and that you have done nothing of interest in the last 6-7 weeks. Your poor parents must be too devastated to blog at all. I still love you and miss you though.
Love, Aunt Sherri
I hope you don't mind if I reply via my blog.
Dear Aunt Sherri:
I am so sorry that I haven't been able to blog lately. You've met my brother, Thatcher, right? He leaves me precious little time to do anything I want to do. When I'm not trying to keep up with him, I've been busy...
Trying to eat shoes. I love the things. I'll even crawl under the ottoman to get ones that daddy has tried to hide from me.
Standing. I sometimes forget that I can't do this without holding on to something and it really ticks me off.
Having fun with Nana who is in town for a visit.
I'll try to do better about blogging. September was a busy month for us, but things are settling down now. Then again, mommy and I are jetting off to Dallas in the morning to meet Gran for a girls weekend at the MOPS convention. What can I say, I'm a girl on the move; but I love and miss you lots, too.
Love, Hadley
Granddaddy & Papa on Parade
It was right around this time that I decided to start boycotting food. I was not having ANYTHING to do with it. Perhaps it had something to do with that "Bulldog" shirt I had to look at while he was trying to feed me. Seriously, that's enough to make anyone lose her appetite.
Belated Kentucky Report
After 12 hours of travel, we finally made it to Nana and Papa's house, and we had a blast. How can you not when you visit grandparents? Nana and mommy took us to Dinosaur World where I pooped all over myself only to discover mommy had accidentally left my wipes at home. Have you ever had your bottom cleaned in the "bathroom" of Dinosaur World? I don't recommend it. To say it is prehistoric, is pretty much a dead-on description. I really preferred going shopping in Bowling Green where I hit up the Gymboree sale and scored my Halloween costume. You'll have to check back in a few weeks to see it!
Nana, on the other hand, couldn't get away from me if she tried!
Here I am with my great-nanny Thompson.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Special Milk
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Preschool Report
Man, Am I Far Behind or What?
Once at Nana and Papa's house, I had a blast. How can you not when you visit grandparents? Nana took me to Dinosaur World where I got to go on a dinosaur walk and see all kinds of humongous dinosaurs. We went shopping in Bowling Green where I got to ride all kinds of rides and get my Thomas fix by playing with the trains at Barnes and Noble. I especially had fun running down the halls at Papa's office.
Nana had bought this cool swimming pool for us to play in, but everyone would run away when I got in. Apparently, they didn't like being splashed or having water poured on them. Seth braved it for a little while, but you will note that you can't see his face in the photo.
This may look like a jump rope to you, but it is really a microphone. At least, that's what I say it is. I sang and orated into it all week.
Of course, you can't have vacation without golf. At least that is what daddy says. Here I am working on my swing.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
To Tide You Over...
It was a lot of fun...until he started pouring water all over my head (and then the bathroom floor, but that's another story altogether).
Bed Head