I have finally graduated from mommy's rigorous 12-step detox program designed to help me "recover" from Gran and Papa's recent visit. They stayed for a week and it was bliss. While they were here, I earned the T-shirt I am wearing in the next picture. If you look closely, you can see that it reads: "Lifetime Member of the Time Out Club."

We played with the play-doh set my great-Nanny Thompson gave me for Christmas. We made hamburgers, french fries, dinosaur tracks, and all kinds of things with it!
We hunted Easter Eggs ALL DAY LONG - even though Easter was more than a month ago. I love to find eggs hidden outside or even inside the house! I love it so much that I even took my eggs to bed with me (you can see them at the foot of my bed).
I really didn't want Gran and Papa to leave, so I staged a protest in their car. If they were going to insist on leaving, they at least could let me drive them home.
Hi Thatcher! You get more handsome every day! I'm glad to know you are taking such good care of Hadley! Glad you had such a good time with your Gran and Papa! They are such good playmates! You and Hadley are so lucky to have so many grandparents and Aunts,etc. who love you soooo much. Nanny loves you and can't wait to see you this month with your baby sister.
ReplyDeleteLove,with Hugs and Kisses, Nanny
ReplyDeleteI hope your parents realize that you are probably going to grow up to be a race car driver. You'll be the most dashing, debonair driver there ever was! I love seeing your pictures and I'm glad you had so much fun with the grandparents. Your Mommy thinks you had to be detoxed from them, just wait until you and your little sister come down here. You'll be the star of the TV show Intervention!!!!! Can't wait to see you and spoil you just a little bit- I don't think it will be a new experience for you!
I love you!
Aunt Sheri