Exhibit A: As you can see, I don't really care to have my picture taken lately. Gone are the days when I would squeal, "Cheese," any time I saw a camera nearby. I am just too busy mastering the art of the tantrum to stop for a photo shoot.
Exhibit B: If we leave the house and don't turn left out of our neighborhood, I become quite agitated because I want to go to the "cub." It's even worse if we do turn left out of our neighborhood and then DON'T end up going to the club. It is rather cruel of mommy to drive me right by the club...and then make me go to Target with all the other commoners. It's just not right. Mommy and daddy say they didn't know it was possible for a two year-old to become a country clubber, but I'm proving them wrong.
Exhibit C: I only want to eat cake. All cake, all the time.
Exhibit D: If the television is on, it better be on Thomas. Enough said.
In an attempt to instill a bit of a work ethic in me, they have put me to work mowing the patio. Little do they know, I actually enjoy working in the yard. Whatever you do, don't tell mommy and daddy, though.
In other news, mommy took me to the library for the first time this week. It really is my kind of place - there are loads of books there and I can take as many home as I want! It rocks! I just can't get enough of books. Every night, after mommy or daddy tucks me in, I sneak out of bed and read all of my books. Sometimes, I pile them all in bed with me and then there isn't any room for me to sleep, so I have to go get mommy or daddy to make some space for me. Other times, I just sit in my monkey chair, reading my bible until it is too dark for me to see. When mommy finds me doing this, she always comes in my room and tells me how proud of me she is - but that it is really time to go to sleep. Without fail, though, if I'm reading the bible, she never seems too upset.
Ohh Danielle, you are fortunate the terrible twos is just hitting...Ella Ann rung them in at 18 months! Whew, those tantrums are awful, aren't they? She is the most stubborn person I know! I feel your pain about the tv, only Ella Ann's demands are over the radio. It better be candy-coated kiddy music EVERY time she is put in the carseat or else a meltdown occurs! At least their hugs and kisses make up for it...most of the time! Hope all else is well!