Monday, July 28, 2008
Number Two..
Also, I was "keen-eh-die" (clean and dry) all day today! Yahoo.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
For the record, after I started pee-peeing on the potty, I only had one accident for the rest of the day. Also, my special potty plays "ta-da" music whenever I pee pee in it. When the music goes off (which it can also do if you move the potty in a certain way), I love to yell, "Peeeeeeeee Peeeeeeee!" I'll try to get mommy to post some pictures tomorrow...
Monday, July 21, 2008
July Snapshots
W and I may differ on many things, but if there is one thing we agree on, it is that the Fourth of July STINKS! All of those loud explosions make both of us supremely nervous. We decided to sleep together to make sure we'd be safe.
In case you were wondering what Hadley does while we're at the pool, here's a glimpse. Looks pretty boring to me, but she doesn't seem to mind. Note her kicked-up feet - she's always doing that!
Nana Flew in from Kentucky for the big event.
Gran & Papa drove up from Atlanta.
Even Aunt Leslie joined in the festivities, thanks to...
...Granddaddy and Tena, who paid big bucks to fly up here, not to mention that they made the ultimate sacrifice of attending a Presbyterian Church.
This is my favorite picture - it captures the hustle and bustle of the morning. Plus, mommy and I look like we're dancing!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
In other news, I am finally talking. I have been for a couple months, but I'm just now getting around to blogging about it. Some of my favorite sayings are:
- "Go Mee Daddy" (Go Meet Daddy)
- "Whas tha" (What's That?)
- "Haa-eee pit up" (Hadley spit up.)
- "Poo Par-eee" (Pool Party - we had a a neighborhood pool party on Sunday and I still can't stop talking about it)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Five Months!
In other news, I've started sitting up. I did it for the first time a few weeks ago, and I keep trying to go for longer periods of time. Heaven knows that I've been doing crunches to build up my abs ever since I was about two months old...all in hopes of being able to sit up. It's nice to see my hard work pay off.