Thursday, October 30, 2008
The Trinity Revisited?
Yesterday morning, mommy and I were talking about all the things God made. She asked me who made the air. I told her, "Gaaaaaaaahd." She said, "That's right. Who made the trees?" I told her "Gaaaaaaaaahd...and Jesus Cwist." Mom was a little surprised at this (namely because she usually refers to him simply as "Jesus" when talking to me, rather than "Jesus Christ") but she said, "That's right, Thatcher, God and Jesus Christ made the trees." At which point, I chimed in, "and Thatcher Cwist!" Needless to say, we spent the next 10 minutes discussing why I am not, in fact, Christ as well.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Dallas Report
A few weeks ago, mommy and I went to Dallas so she could attend the MOPS Convention. I went so I wouldn't starve to death (yes, I am still nursing). Because mommy was going to be in meetings most of the time, Gran flew out to keep me company. We had loads of fun. She strolled me around the Gaylord Resort where we stayed. I kicked my feet up on the stroller bar and did my best to make Gran proud. She brought me a "Learning Purse" to play with and taught me how to play cards. She also let me spend a lot of time playing with the baby in the mirror, which (of course) I loved.

To put it mildly, I did not want to say goodbye when it was time to leave on Sunday.
To put it mildly, I did not want to say goodbye when it was time to leave on Sunday.
I managed to recover when mommy told me I would have my own seat on the plane flying home (thanks to a relatively empty flight). Like mommy, give me a good stack of magazines and I'm happy.

For the record, I did wear more than one outfit during the four days we were in Texas. It just works out that my tulip threads are the ones that made the blog. Don't turn me in to the fashion police.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Punkin Bill
We went to Punkin Bill (Pumpkinville) last weekend. It was really windy and cold, so mommy and daddy took turns sitting in the car with Hadley while I made the most out of the Punkin experience. We fed deer, rode on a tractor, went on a hay ride, and had my face painted. Mommy was pretty excited that she could actually participate in some of the Punkin Bill activities with me (since she isn't pregnant like she was last year). She rode the big hay slide with me, took me on the big hay ride, and taught me how to climb up and slide down the inflatable fire truck slide. I still have a bit of a cold now from being out in the cold but it was worth it.
In other news, I have discovered Diego. When I come home from preschool, I want to "watch eee-ay-oo, mom." Oh, and I've also taken to calling mommy "mom." I usually do it when I want something ("Buy it, Mom") or need something ("NEED Starbucks, Mom") or when I'm saying no (NO, mom). MOM thinks I'm too young to be calling her "mom."
I've also had to ditch the naps. Whenever I take one, I refuse to go to sleep at night. I just sit in my rocking chair--where I would sleep if mom and daddy would let me--until I pass out (which sometimes isn't until 10:00). The other night, I actually fell asleep WHILE climbing into the chair.

In other news, I have discovered Diego. When I come home from preschool, I want to "watch eee-ay-oo, mom." Oh, and I've also taken to calling mommy "mom." I usually do it when I want something ("Buy it, Mom") or need something ("NEED Starbucks, Mom") or when I'm saying no (NO, mom). MOM thinks I'm too young to be calling her "mom."
I've also had to ditch the naps. Whenever I take one, I refuse to go to sleep at night. I just sit in my rocking chair--where I would sleep if mom and daddy would let me--until I pass out (which sometimes isn't until 10:00). The other night, I actually fell asleep WHILE climbing into the chair.
I've also decided I like hats.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Letter to My Aunt Sherri
Today, I received the following email from my Aunt Sherri:
Dear Hadley, I am so sorry you have peaked at six months old. You started out with such promise- always a delight to be with, took great pictures,we always looked forward to reading about your new adventures. Evidently your mother has left you in Kentucky because your last post, which was waaaaay over a month ago stated you would post again upon your return. I’m truly sorry she just brought Thatcher back- I know this because she has updated his blog. This will be the first of many opportunities you can use to say, “But it’s not fair, Thatcher got to!”
Anyway, I’m sorry you have become such a bore at such an early stage in life and that you have done nothing of interest in the last 6-7 weeks. Your poor parents must be too devastated to blog at all. I still love you and miss you though.
Love, Aunt Sherri
I hope you don't mind if I reply via my blog.
Dear Aunt Sherri:
I am so sorry that I haven't been able to blog lately. You've met my brother, Thatcher, right? He leaves me precious little time to do anything I want to do. When I'm not trying to keep up with him, I've been busy...
Keeping Winston and W away from my Cheerios. That's a full time job.
Trying to convince Daddy that I'm old enough for beer.
Dear Hadley, I am so sorry you have peaked at six months old. You started out with such promise- always a delight to be with, took great pictures,we always looked forward to reading about your new adventures. Evidently your mother has left you in Kentucky because your last post, which was waaaaay over a month ago stated you would post again upon your return. I’m truly sorry she just brought Thatcher back- I know this because she has updated his blog. This will be the first of many opportunities you can use to say, “But it’s not fair, Thatcher got to!”
Anyway, I’m sorry you have become such a bore at such an early stage in life and that you have done nothing of interest in the last 6-7 weeks. Your poor parents must be too devastated to blog at all. I still love you and miss you though.
Love, Aunt Sherri
I hope you don't mind if I reply via my blog.
Dear Aunt Sherri:
I am so sorry that I haven't been able to blog lately. You've met my brother, Thatcher, right? He leaves me precious little time to do anything I want to do. When I'm not trying to keep up with him, I've been busy...
Trying to eat shoes. I love the things. I'll even crawl under the ottoman to get ones that daddy has tried to hide from me.
Standing. I sometimes forget that I can't do this without holding on to something and it really ticks me off.
Having fun with Nana who is in town for a visit.
I'll try to do better about blogging. September was a busy month for us, but things are settling down now. Then again, mommy and I are jetting off to Dallas in the morning to meet Gran for a girls weekend at the MOPS convention. What can I say, I'm a girl on the move; but I love and miss you lots, too.
Love, Hadley
Granddaddy & Papa on Parade
It was right around this time that I decided to start boycotting food. I was not having ANYTHING to do with it. Perhaps it had something to do with that "Bulldog" shirt I had to look at while he was trying to feed me. Seriously, that's enough to make anyone lose her appetite.
Belated Kentucky Report
Okay, okay, I haven't blogged since right before I left for Kentucky. Man, there is a lot to catch up on, so just bear with me. Our trip to visit Nana and Papa in Kentucky was eventful to say the least. Thatcher was a complete nightmare to travel with, so I had to put on my serious angel face for mommy. That's how it works, right? One of us is rotten and the other acts like an angel to garner favor? Sure, I pee-peed all over mommy while she was changing my diaper on the plane, but other than that, mommy says I was a dream traveler...unlike my brother.
After 12 hours of travel, we finally made it to Nana and Papa's house, and we had a blast. How can you not when you visit grandparents? Nana and mommy took us to Dinosaur World where I pooped all over myself only to discover mommy had accidentally left my wipes at home. Have you ever had your bottom cleaned in the "bathroom" of Dinosaur World? I don't recommend it. To say it is prehistoric, is pretty much a dead-on description. I really preferred going shopping in Bowling Green where I hit up the Gymboree sale and scored my Halloween costume. You'll have to check back in a few weeks to see it!
After 12 hours of travel, we finally made it to Nana and Papa's house, and we had a blast. How can you not when you visit grandparents? Nana and mommy took us to Dinosaur World where I pooped all over myself only to discover mommy had accidentally left my wipes at home. Have you ever had your bottom cleaned in the "bathroom" of Dinosaur World? I don't recommend it. To say it is prehistoric, is pretty much a dead-on description. I really preferred going shopping in Bowling Green where I hit up the Gymboree sale and scored my Halloween costume. You'll have to check back in a few weeks to see it!
Papa unfortunately had to work a lot while we were visiting, but I did manage to squeeze in some serious snuggle time.
Nana, on the other hand, couldn't get away from me if she tried!
Here I am with my great-nanny Thompson.
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