Dear Hadley, I am so sorry you have peaked at six months old. You started out with such promise- always a delight to be with, took great pictures,we always looked forward to reading about your new adventures. Evidently your mother has left you in Kentucky because your last post, which was waaaaay over a month ago stated you would post again upon your return. I’m truly sorry she just brought Thatcher back- I know this because she has updated his blog. This will be the first of many opportunities you can use to say, “But it’s not fair, Thatcher got to!”
Anyway, I’m sorry you have become such a bore at such an early stage in life and that you have done nothing of interest in the last 6-7 weeks. Your poor parents must be too devastated to blog at all. I still love you and miss you though.
Love, Aunt Sherri
I hope you don't mind if I reply via my blog.
Dear Aunt Sherri:
I am so sorry that I haven't been able to blog lately. You've met my brother, Thatcher, right? He leaves me precious little time to do anything I want to do. When I'm not trying to keep up with him, I've been busy...
Trying to eat shoes. I love the things. I'll even crawl under the ottoman to get ones that daddy has tried to hide from me.
Standing. I sometimes forget that I can't do this without holding on to something and it really ticks me off.
Having fun with Nana who is in town for a visit.
I'll try to do better about blogging. September was a busy month for us, but things are settling down now. Then again, mommy and I are jetting off to Dallas in the morning to meet Gran for a girls weekend at the MOPS convention. What can I say, I'm a girl on the move; but I love and miss you lots, too.
Love, Hadley
Miss Hadley,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you're back! You are as beautiful and absolutely adorable as ever. You bring a smile to me whenever I look at your precious face. I love you so much and I hope you had a wonderful time at the MOPS convention. I know you stole the show wherever you went and rightly so! I love and miss you so so much!
Aunt Sherri
Dear Hadley,
ReplyDeleteGran had sooo much fun with you at the mops convention. I loved having that time with just the two of us. You really stopped traffic and I TRIED not to act too proud. Your mom and I also had that time to prepare you about card playing. I'm sure there are plenty of games in our future. Love you, Gran