- Dark. I will not go to sleep in my room unless it is dark. Don't even bother trying to put my down while it is still daylight outside. I will scream until it is dusk, at which point I will fall asleep. Seriously, don't even try it.
- The door must be open. I like to know I'm not shut off from the rest of the world, so don't even think about closing my door. As long as you put me down when it is dark, I won't scream and you won't even know I'm drifting off to dreamland.
- Companions. I need Buddy, my green frog, in one arm and my as-yet-to-be-named sheepdog in the other.
- My Green Blanket. This is the latest addition to the bedtime arsenal. My Aunt Margaret gave me a green and white blanket when I was born. It is similar in texture to a blanket mommy's grandmother made for her when she was born. It's soft, snuggly, and the perfect size for a fairy like me.
Thanks to daddy, I've also started saying more words. My favorite--by far--is "kitty cat." Every thing with four legs is a "ki-cat." Winston is "Tinton" and W is "duhdah". Daddy has also taught me how to say Thatcher.
Winston and W have joined me in my battle against food. I still have eating issues. I take a bite, then give one to Winston and one to W. It drives mommy NUTS, which is an added bonus. Mommy thinks there are days when I take in no more than 2-3 tablespoons of food. Then, there are days like today when I eat some frosted mini wheats, two Chick-Fil-A chicken minis, and tatertots - all before 10AM.
PS - Just as mommy hit the "publish post" button, I emptied the contents of my stomach onto her and the couch.