Difficult seems to be the word of the day lately. Hadley is a difficult sleeper. Hadley is a difficult eater. Hadley is being difficult at nap time. Can you blame me for not blogging when I'm so busy being difficult?

Frankly, I don't buy into all the hype. I think I'm perfectly charming. I laugh all the time (when I'm not screaming, that is), and point to things I need and want. I really try to focus on tending to others' needs. For example, I spend countless moments trying to exercise the boys by chasing them, grabbing their tails, and attempting in vain to turn them into ponies. Whenever mommy is reading Thatcher a book, I don't take it personally. There is no way they could have known which book I wanted, so I'll get it, climb into mommy's lap and "persuade" them that my choice is clearly the better one.
Speaking of climbing, did I mention that I'm going to scale Everest by the time I'm two if I keep going at the same rate? I climb into my high chair. I climb onto the kitchen table (and dance on it). I LOVE to climb.
I'm also trying to talk. Gran discovered that my first non-mommy/daddy word was (drum roll, please): Thomas - or "
Tah-es" as I like to say. Daddy has been teaching me how to say kitty cat (
ki-cat), while mommy has taught me how to say "bird" (bud). Of course, I can say Winston (
Dinton) and W (
Duhda), too.
So, you tell me...difficult or delightful? I'll let you be the judge.
Devilishly Delightful of course! She is so tiny, she has to make her presence known somehow-a little gentle screaming now and then just to make sure you're paying attention is in order. Her hair in little pig tails is too cute- of course, there is nothing that would not be adorable on this adorable child. All I Can say, is when I was with her, she was PERFECT.
Aunt Sherri