Upon reviewing my children's postings--or lack thereof--on their blogs, I've made the executive decision to take over their blogging responsibilities. It would seem that Thatcher and Hadley are simply too overwhelmed with their hectic summer schedules and travel plans to maintain a steady writing regimen. They've fallen down on their duties, and I confess that I am, perhaps, partly to blame. The kids have taken to using Facebook to convey their summer antics, leaving the average "Jam Master T" and "Hadley's Happenings" reader to wonder just what those little munchkins have been up to since their last postings in May. How else would you know that five weeks ago, Chad called a first ever "Family Meeting" to ask Thatcher (and the rest of us) if we would like to go on a Disney vacation in a few weeks? How would you know that the kids are obsessed with playing golf at all hours of the day? How would you know that Hadley's vocabulary is expanding at an alarming rate - and that Thatcher, the boy who didn't speak until he was 2 1/2, rarely stops talking?
So, at least for now, the kids are signing off of the blogs and letting mommy take over. Besides, my computer has far too many little fingerprint smudges all over it to let them continue typing on it much longer. You'll still get the same Thatcherisms and updates on Hadley's fierce determination and eating and sleeping dramas. You'll just be getting them from my perspective...from the trenches...from a sleep and caffeine deprived mom of what soon will be "three kids three and under." The blog might not be coherent, but hopefully it will appear more than once every three months. If you want more, feel free to come keep the kids so I can run away to write!
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