Saturday, March 12, 2011

Snack Money

Channeling equal parts June Cleaver and Martha Stewart this morning, I made the children pancakes for breakfast. Making pancakes was never an issue before having children; however, it's not easy when you're flying solo with three kids five and under, all of whom want something at the exact same time...and at just the second you need to flip the flapjacks before your house goes up in flames. Within moments of plating the three sets of pancakes--one cut with butter and syrup (Thatcher), one NOT cut with copious amounts of whipped cream (Hadley), and one cut with a fine layer of jam spread on top (Harrison)--and pouring up three drinks, Thatcher declared he was finished with his half-eaten pancakes. After much discussion, I excused him from the table with the understanding that he would not be having any snacks before lunch and, more importantly, that he was not to ASK for any snacks. To reiterate the importance of the latter, Thatcher agreed that he would pay me $1 each time he asked me for a snack before lunch. Clearly, at this point, June and Martha gave way to my inner Donald Trump.

About an hour later, I found Thatcher searching under the couch and all over the house for something. Finally, I asked what on earth he was doing. He casually replied, "I'm looking for money so I can get a snack."

1 comment:

  1. I love that boy! At least he took you at your word. Tell him Aunt Sherri will have to send him some pocket money to keep for emergencys such as these.
    Aunt Sherri
