This morning, I took Thatcher to register for kindergarten. Kindergarten in Loudoun County is only three hours long each day, which makes the prospect of sending him off in the fall much easier to bear. Registration consists of the usual - proof of identity, proof of residency, health records, etc. Kindergarten registration, however, requires a "parent input form" for parents to complete, describing their child's strengths, areas of concern, and the type of teacher with whom the parent feels the child will best perform. After consulting with Aunt Leslie (aka 2008 Cobb County Teacher of the Year), I wrote:
"Thatcher will work best with a teacher who is warm, nurturing, and welcoming. He would perform well in a structured classroom setting. He is responsible, sensitive, and responds quickly to verbal cues. Thatcher is excited about learning to read, tell time, and count money."
I felt pretty good about my input...until I caught a glimpse of what Janie's* mom put on her form: “Janie is a smart, charming, and engaging child. She will flower in any classroom setting that challenges her intellect. Any teacher will find her to be an absolute delight in the classroom.”
I don't know Janie; but I'm sure if I meet her during the course of the school year, I'll be absolutely delighted and thoroughly impressed by her intellectual prowess. Needless to say, I can't wait.
*Name has been changed to protect the prodigy.
And so it begins.......! The best advice your Mom ever gave me is that if your child is that wonderful,you won't have to tell people,they will tell you! I have a feeling little Janie's mom is in for a rude awakening! Wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall for one of those parent/teacher conferences? Especially if little Janie's teacher is just not ecstatic about what a delight little Janie is! Our Thatcher will do great because I will tell you that he is wonderful and charming and will be a delight! He is a very special little boy!
Aunt Sherri